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Profit growth of industrial enterprises in 2021, high-tech manufacturing industry has strong vitality

Release time:2024-09-11click:0
The National Bureau of Statistics recently announced that in 2021, the profits of industrial enterprises above designated size will increase by 34.3% compared with the previous year, with an average growth of 18.2% in the two years.
Nearly 80% of industries have achieved profit growth. Last year, the production and sales of industrial enterprises maintained rapid growth, laying a solid foundation for the improvement of corporate profits. Among the 41 major industrial industries, the profits of 32 industries increased compared with the previous year, accounting for 78.0%, and the industry growth expanded by 14.6 percentage points compared with the previous year; the profits of 6 industries increased by more than double, and the profits of 18 industries realized Double-digit growth. Compared with 2019, 31 industries achieved profit growth, accounting for 75.6%.
High-tech manufacturing industry plays a prominent leading role. In 2021, the profits of high-tech manufacturing increased by 48.4% compared with the previous year, with an average growth of 31.4% over the two years. The proportion of profits of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 2.1 and 4.2 percentage points respectively compared with 2020 and 2019, demonstrating strong development vitality.
Profits from equipment and consumer goods manufacturing industries grew rapidly. In terms of industries, nearly 90% of the equipment manufacturing industry's profits increased last year compared with the previous year. Among them, the electronics industry, which has the largest profit scale, increased by 38.9%; driven by the strong demand for containers, the metal products industry's profits increased by 28.7%, and the growth rate hit a new high in recent years. As consumer demand continues to recover, more than 70% of the profits of the consumer goods industry have increased compared with the previous year. Among them, the profits of the chemical fiber industry have increased by 149.2%, which is significantly higher than the average level in recent years.
Benefiting from policies and measures such as financial support for the development of the real economy, corporate financial expenses fell by 3.2% compared with the previous year. The overall level of corporate costs and expenses was lower than that of the previous year, which expanded the profit margin. The corporate operating income profit margin was 6.81%, an increase of 0.76 percentage points from the previous year.
The relevant person in charge of the National Bureau of Statistics stated that although the efficiency level of industrial enterprises increased steadily last year, the operating pressure on downstream industries, especially small and micro enterprises, is still great. In 2022, the sustained and stable development of the industrial economy will still be Face challenges. In the next stage, we will vigorously help enterprises to alleviate difficulties, stimulate the vitality of market entities to a greater extent, and promote the smooth operation of the industrial economy to improve quality and efficiency.
Original title: The profits of industrial enterprises above designated size will increase by 34.3% in 2021, and the leading role of high-tech manufacturing industry will be prominent

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