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my country's first independently designed offshore deep oil and gas well goes into production

Release time:2024-08-15click:2
Recently, my country's first independently designed and implemented ultra-deep extended-reach well, Well A1H of the Enping 21-4 Oilfield, was successfully put into production in the waters of the Pearl River Mouth Basin, with a tested daily crude oil production of over 700 tons. The well has a drilling depth of 9,508 meters and a horizontal displacement of 8,689 meters. It has become the deepest offshore well in my country and set a record for the horizontal length of drilling in my country. It marks that my country has successfully overcome the technical bottleneck of 10,000-meter-level extended reach wells and marked a breakthrough in offshore ultra-long and ultra-deep drilling technology. Be among the best in the world.
The Enping 21-4 oil field developed by this ultra-deep well is located in the sea about 200 kilometers southwest of Shenzhen, with an average water depth of about 86 meters. It is a small sandstone marginal oil field. If the traditional mode of mining is adopted, new offshore production platforms or underwater wellheads and other facilities need to be built, which requires large investments and a long construction period. CNOOC uses the Enping 20-5 unmanned platform 8 kilometers away to implement ultra-deep extended reach wells, which can efficiently develop oil and gas resources in marginal oil fields.
CNOOC relies on existing platform facilities and uses extended reach well technology to achieve precise guidance of oil reservoirs several kilometers away underground, breaking through the barriers that make it difficult to develop offshore marginal oil fields and successfully promoting Development of Enping 21-4 oil field.
CNOOC independently develops environmentally friendly oil-based drilling fluids, continuous circulation systems, etc. During the construction process, it uses advanced technologies such as intelligent guidance while drilling, real-time acquisition of downhole parameters, and rotating and floating casing running. , allowing the drill bit to accurately penetrate three underground faults, driving 669 high-strength steel casings with a total weight of 564 tons to smoothly enter, establishing a stable oil production channel, and its operating capabilities have reached the world's advanced level.
Extended reach wells are an important means of efficient exploration and development of oil and gas resources in complex areas such as oceans and mountains. This time, the ultra-deep extended reach well in the Enping 21-4 oil field broke four national records and formed There are 13 technological achievements in 5 categories, and the localization rate of materials and equipment used reaches 95%. In the future, CNOOC will rely on this model to realize the utilization of oil and gas resources within 10,000 meters of the production platform, significantly improving the efficiency of oil and gas field development.

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